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Becoming a Member

Toy Library Membership

Membership is simple – For a small yearly fee, you can borrow any toy from our collection for up to 1 month. We have a variety of memberships available to suit everyone.

So how do I become a member?

It's easy!


Requires 4 sessions per year
$ 60 Year
  • Up to 3 toys per month
  • Bonus puzzle or game


$ 120 Year
  • Up to 3 toys per month
  • Bonus puzzle or game

Premium Volunteer

$ 80 Year
  • Up to 5 toys per month
  • Bonus puzzle or game


Play Group, Family Day Care

$ 180 Year
  • Up to 5 toys per month
  • Bonus puzzle or game

Just follow the steps below.

We can’t wait to welcome you and your little one/s to our Toy Library.

Step 1 – Complete the membership form

Click/tap the button below to complete the membership form. This will take you to a separate member portal to sign up.

Step 2 – Pay for your membership

Our preferred method of payment is by direct debit.

Account BSB: 633 000

Account Number: 172 185 076

Account Name: Cairns Region Toy Library

Reference: Click here to determine your reference


Step 3 – Borrow some toys!

Come into the library during a Borrowing Session and start borrowing toys!

Playing with toy train on toy railway




(how it should appear in bank account)

MEM 1 Surname

Annual Membership Standard Non-Volunteer

MEM 1 Halpert

MEM 2 Surname

Annual Membership Standard Volunteer

MEM 2 Schrute

MEM 3 Surname

Annual Membership Concession Non-Volunteer

MEM 3 Martinez

MEM 4 Surname

Annual Membership Concession Volunteer

MEM 4 Martin

MEM 5 Surname

Annual Membership Group Non-Volunteer

MEM 5 Heeler

MEM 6 Surname

Annual Membership Group Volunteer

MEM 6 Moore

MEM 7 Surname

Annual Membership Trial Non-Volunteer

MEM 7 Scott

VOU Surname

Annual Membership Gift Voucher

VOU Flanderson

(surname is of recipient)

LAT ToyID Surname

Late fee

LAT PP100 Beesly

DAM ToyID Surname

Damaged toy/piece – Replacement cost

DAM A4006 Howard

MIS ToyID Surname

Missing toy/piece – Replacement cost

MIS B3023 Murphy

PH Surname

Party hire

PH Liang